In 2006 the Festival widened its scope, screening films at seven satellite venues throughout the city including an arts venue (Intersection for the Arts), a pub (Edinburgh Castle) and a fire station (San Francisco Fire Station #7).
Here you can read all about the Festival’s history, help us celebrate the 50th in April 2007 and just have fun looking at photos from the past. In FILMS, you can search by title, director, year and cast for any of the nearly 6,000 films we have shown since 1957. Explore our extensive collection of archives.
Send us your stories about Festival experiences and help us identify photos in COLLECTIVE MEMORY. In OUR HISTORY, you can read oral histories of the Festival from the people who made it happen. Listen to a podcast of Burt Lancaster interviewed onstage in CLOSEUPS. And just look around, there’ lots more.
READ about François Truffaut’s Festival tribute.
WATCH the stars honor Robert Altman and Dustin Hoffman at the 2002 Film Society Awards Night.
LISTEN to Ruth Gordon lead the audience in "If You Want To Sing Out, Sing Out" at her Festival tribute.
Copyright © 2007 San Francisco Film Society